Any work that aspires, however humbly, to the condition of art should carry its justification in every line.

Art — the one achievement of Man which has made the long trip up from all fours seem well advised.

Art at its most significant is a distant early warning system that can always be relied on to tell the old culture what is beginning to happen.

Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.

Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.

Art distills sensations and embodies it with enhanced meaning.

Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible.

Art for art's sake is a philosophy of the well-fed.

Art for art's sake? I should think so, and more so than ever at the present time. It is the one orderly product which our middling race has produced. It is the cry of a thousand sentinels, the echo from a thousand labyrinths, it is the lighthouse which cannot be hidden… it is the best evidence we can have of our dignity.

Art has an enemy called ignorance.

Art imitates Nature in this; not to dare is to dwindle.

Art is a form of catharsis.

Art is a fruit that grows in man, like a fruit on a plant, or a child in its mother's womb.

Art is a jealous mistress; and if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he makes a bad husband and an ill provider.

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.

Art is a private thing, the artist makes it for himself; a comprehensible work is the product of a journalist. We need works that are strong, straight, precise, and forever beyond understanding.

Art is a reality, not a definition; inasmuch as it approaches a reality, it approaches perfection, and inasmuch as it approaches a mere definition, it is imperfect and untrue.

Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value-judgments. An artist recreates those aspects of reality which represent his fundamental view of man's nature.

Art is an absolute mistress; she will not be coquetted with or slighted; she requires the most entire self-devotion, and she repays with grand triumphs.

Art is an experience, not the formulation of a problem.

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